Our team is led and managed by Nikky McGuire who qualified with her Early Years Degree and Professional Status Level 6. She has worked within this role for the last 12 years and prior to this worked with us as Deputy Manager and Playroom Supervisor for 7 years. Nikky is the nursery’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) and Designated Safeguard Lead (DSL). She oversees the smooth running of the nursery with a hands-on approach. 

Our pre-school playroom is supervised by Anne-Marie who has worked within the nursery for over eighteen years. She is experienced and qualified at level 3, leading her playroom with lots of enthusiasm, and energy. Anne-Marie is dedicated to developing children’s learning and understanding and easily engages the children with fun and exciting experiences. She is also known as our pallet queen and makes the most fantastic resources for the nursery out of pallets and recycled materials.

Our toddler playroom is led by room leader Lucy who has recently returned to us after teaching for a short time  within primary education. Lucy has worked within the nursery for an amount of fifteen years and is qualified at level 3. Lucy is very warm and welcoming loving nothing more than to nurture and support our younger children as they take their first steps into nursery life. Lucy recognises how starting nursery can be difficult for parents/carers too and will support and walk you through your child's start to education building on a strong parent/nursery partnership.

Teaching the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS)
Within each playroom every child is supported in developing their potential at their own pace. Children work within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework setting the standards for learning, development and care. Children’s development is promoted initially through the prime areas of learning: Personal Social & Emotional, Communication & Language and Physical Development. A secure understanding of these key areas is needed before progressing onto the specific areas of learning: Early Maths and Literacy, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Designs. 

At Maison Dieu Nursery our team promotes children’s development through the (EYFS) by means of positive interactive adult roles, learning through play and a balance of child initiated and adult led activities. Our nurturing key person approach allows our team to regularly observe, assess and record children’s progress in unique, individual learning journey books. These are available and shared with parents throughout the year.

We recognise that parents/carers are children’s first and main educators and we invite families to contribute to their child’s learning journal where they can. The children enjoy showing their key person and friends photos of favourite toys, special family days out, amazing artwork and home learning achievements. Sharing experiences and information in this way helps to promote your child’s wellbeing, self-confidence and self-esteem.  

Free Funded Early Years Education  – Are you eligible? 
Funded Early Education Hours for 2 Year Old’s 
In Kent this is known as the Free for 2 Scheme. 
This is NOT a universal offer, families will need to meet an eligibility criteria.  
Families can check to see if they are eligible by applying online at: kent.gov.uk/freefor2  

Funded Early Education for 2 Year Old’s of Working Parents – Working Families Entitlement 
This is NOT a universal offer. 
Parents must be working and will need to meet an eligibility criteria. 
Families can check to see if they are eligible by applying online through the governments Childcare Choices website (www.childcarechoices.gov.uk) 
If eligible a code will be allocated which must be given to nursery. 
Funded Early Education Hours for 3 & 4 Year Old’s 
This is a universal offer for all families. 
Effective from the beginning of the term following the child’s third birthday. 
Free Early Education for 3 & 4 Year Old’s of Working Parents – Extended Entitlement 
This is NOT a universal offer. 
Effective from the beginning of the term following the child’s third birthday. 
Parents must be working and will need to meet an eligibility criteria. 
Families can check to see if they are eligible by applying online through the governments Childcare Choices website (www.childcarechoices.gov.uk) 
If eligible a code will be allocated which must be given to nursery. 
How we offer the Funded Early Years Education Hours
Maison Dieu Nursery offers the following patterns of delivery for the free funded early education hours: 
  •  2, 3 & 4 year olds in receipt of funded early education will be offered a maximum of 12.5 hours per week for a stretched period of 46 weeks per year. This can be taken as one full day and one half session with a lunch or three half sessions and two lunch hours. If the full amount of hours is taken (575 hours) families will have accessed an extra 5 hours over the year, which they can take off in their child’s last funded week or pay for the additional 5 hours. 
  •  Eligible 3 & 4 year old’s of parents receiving the extended entitlement will be offered 24 hours over a stretched period of 46 weeks per year (depending on availability). This can be taken as three full days per week. If parents require additional sessions to the three full days, the odd remaining extended hours will be calculated over the year and taken off of the annual invoice. The full government entitlement is offerered at 1140 hours over a childs unique funded year.
  •  We have very limited spaces for the 38 week (term time) pattern of delivery. Families must meet the criteria of having older siblings at school or will be working the school term time only to request this. Universal offer is up to 15 hours per week (taken as one full day and two half sessions). Extended is up to 30 hours per week (which can be taken as four full days, with a chargeable fee for the 2 hours per week, if wanting the full 4 days). Term time is taken over 38 weeks per childs unique funded year. 
  • Families may access the full amount of funded hours or less hours  as they wish, although please be aware that the sessions per week, requested at Maison Dieu Nursery, will be subject to availability. 
  •  Funded Early Education hours can be used at a maximum of two nurseries, but families must not exceed their maximum overall allowance. Universal allowance is 570 hours per unique funded year. Extended allowance is 1140 hours per unique funded year.
  • Parents will be required to complete and sign a parental declaration form three times per year in order to access their childs funded early education. By completing the EYPP secition within this form your child may be eligible for additional funding for the nursery.

Terms and Conditions
  • Upon starting at Maison Dieu Nursery your child is expected to attend all pre-booked sessions throughout each term. Should your child miss a session for whatever reason (illness, holiday etc.) the full fee is still payable. 
  • There is a requirement too register your child for the minimum of two half day sessions per week. 
  • We will need to see your child’s original birth certificate as proof of age.  
  • There are no holiday allowances given as Maison Dieu Nursery closes for up to five weeks per annum with the additional bank holidays. 
  • Fees and term dates are revised annually and may be subject to change.  
  • If without negotiation, fees are not settled within a period of 2 weeks after the due date, Maison Dieu Nursery will withdraw your child’s place and if necessary take legal action to recover outstanding fees. Children in receipt of Free Early Education (funding) will be unable to access any additional chargeable hours until outstanding fees are settled. 
  • If you wish to terminate this contract by withdrawing your child from the nursery prior to the primary school age 4 weeks’ notice must be given in writing, for fee paying places, otherwise the four weeks will be charged. No notice is required for non-fee-paying place. 
  • There is no administration, registration or deposit needed when accessing a totally free funded place. A non-refundable administration fee of £5 is required together with this completed form to register your child on the waiting list for a fee-paying place. 
  • Maison Dieu nursery has responsibilities under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and will provide parent/carers, upon acceptance of a place, with a copy of our Privacy Notice. This will detail how the information you give us will be used. 
Conditions of payment: 
  • Fees are payable in advance, either weekly, monthly or ‘in full’ at the beginning of the term. 
  • Fees can be paid by cash, tax free childcare, BACS or by an online bank transferto the Nursery. 
  • All pre-booked sessions remain payable, even if unattended. 
  • Extra hours/sessions are payable on the day attending. 
  • It is the parents/carers responsibility to ensure that fees are paid in full and on time. 
  • Fees are to be paid within 2 weeks of the payment due date. If without negotiation, fees are not settled, we are left with no alternative but to withdraw your child’s place and if necessary take legal action to recover the amount owed.  
  • For children whose places are funded by external agencies e.g. university/college or extended funding, the parent/carer is liable for any shortfall or withdrawal of funding for whatever reason. 
  • Children in receipt of the Free Early Education will be unable to access any additional fee-paying hours until outstanding fees are settled. 

You want to know more ? You can contact us by this form.

94 Maison Dieu Road,
CT16 1RU

Email: maisondieu@btconnect.com

Tel : 01304 203191